(2019) 2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 70–81
Title of the article Peculiarities of the Initial Stage of Investigation in Criminal Proceedings for Fact Death of Servicemens in the Places of the Conduct of Combat Operations
PhD in Law, prosecutor, Department for Supervision of Compliance with Laws, Execution of Court Decisions in Criminal Proceedings and Conducting Operational Search Activity, Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Combined Forces, Kyiv, Ukraine, a_voevoda9@ukr.net
head, Department for Supervision of Compliance with Laws, Execution of Court Decisions in Criminal Proceedings and Conducting Operational Search Activity, Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Combined Forces, Kyiv, Ukraine, alex_vp08@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 2
Pages [70–81]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract In today’s conditions, the issue of the necessity of forensic provision of pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses, the object of which is the life and health of servicemen, increase of the effectiveness of procedural leadership in the investigation of such offenses, and prevention of such crimes in the military environment became relevant. The significance of this issue is aggravated by the presence of a large number of military units (units) in a state of complete combat readiness and their participation in hostilities in the east of the state, which envisages access of servicemen to weapons, ammunition, prolonged storage of weapons in their presence in the presence of stress factors. In such circumstances, pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses, in particular the deaths of servicemen, has certain organizational and tactical features.
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the party of the prosecution and the formulation of recommendations on forensic provision of the initial stage of pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses in criminal proceedings on the facts of the death of military personnel, in particular in the places of warfare.
The article defines the problematic aspects of organization and tactical peculiarities of conducting first-class investigative (search) actions in such criminal proceedings, in particular, in places of warfare; outlines investigative situations and negative factors that indicate the possible staging of violent offenses in case of accidents; the role of the prosecutor as a procedural leader in the pre-trial investigation of the crimes of the specified category on the scene of the event was considered; the typical failures of the investigator and the prosecutor during the conduct of the primary investigative actions are highlighted.
Formulates versions in criminal proceedings on deaths of servicemen, which include: suicide; Forced deprivation of life (murder), including as a result of suicide; death due to personal negligence (careless handling of weapons, ammunition, explosives, etc.); death due to careless handling of weapons, combat supplies, explosives of other persons; death as a result of technical defects in weapons, equipment; careless attitude of military servicemen to service.
It is concluded that the peculiarities of the initial stage of the investigation in criminal proceedings on the facts of the death of servicemen in the context of the conduct of combat operations are due to a combination of factors that may adversely affect the course and results of pre-trial investigation, which requires the maximum operational intervention to identify and fi x the key events of the event crime, execution by the party of charges of additional organizational measures to ensure procedural activities.
Keywords murder; handling fi rearms carelessly; investigation version; pre-trial investigation; procedural guidance; military unit.
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Journal articles
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